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A n t i q u e D e s k S p e c i a l i s t s
A large good quality burr walnut Victorian writing slope
Sheraton mahogany cheval dressing mirror
Georgian mahogany inlaid dressing / toilet mirror
19th century mahogany torchiere
19th century rosewood and brass inlaid writing slope
A Victorian burr walnut writing slope
A fine French 19th century etagere with three drawers
A 19th century mahogany bi-fold campaign writing slope
An exceptional quality Victorian coromandel writing slope
An early 19th century satinwood demi-lune console table
Late Georgian mahogany campaign bi-fold writing slope
A large Victorian burr walnut toilet or dressing mirror.
A large George III mahogany dumb waiter
A Victorian burr walnut games sewing table
Victorian burr walnut games compendium
Regency rosewood and brass inlaid writing slope